December 29, 2007
Happy New Year
Dear all friend, would like to wish you all belated Merry Christmas and wish you all Happy New Year 2008.Apologize cause a couple day didnt come and update this blog.I'm busy with current job and in the same time i cannot access for internet at my office. I hope this coming soon new year will bring prosperous for all of us guys. For those who are still looking for a job as a SHO,may God will give you the job,and for those who are looking for a better career i believe God also know,and He has His own Plan to everybody of our life. In the same time,good luck for those guys who had seat for the SHOE last two week.At the end, again and again wish all of you guys Happy New Year 2008 and GBU all..
December 13, 2007
Examination Week
Picture taken after seat for Paper 2 inside the NIOSH Bintulu office.
Samy and I went back to Labuan on 13/12/07 and flied with MAS Wing, good luck for Mr Allan and MA hopefully will success in paper 3.
December 11, 2007
SHO Examination Mood
November 18, 2007
NIOSH KK Sabah will held an examination workshop. All ex-student are welcome to attend the workshop.
Course Title: Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop
Date: 23rd November 2007
Venue: NIOSH KK Sabah
Fee: RM90 per pack
For more details regarding the course please contact NIOSH KK Sabah attention Liana at 088-264252
Course Title: Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop
Date: 23rd November 2007
Venue: NIOSH KK Sabah
Fee: RM90 per pack
For more details regarding the course please contact NIOSH KK Sabah attention Liana at 088-264252
November 10, 2007
Unsafe Work Area
You can see below pictures an example of untidy housekeeping and unsafe work area. The hazards are everyway, and all workers are responsibility to ensure work area in a safe conditions. SHO is not a glamour job but a very challenging job. Good luck for all the SHO and for those who will be a SHO soon. Fire Hazards!!!!
November 09, 2007
Handphone Hazard

November 06, 2007
Personal Blog
Dear all fren,herewith I proud to welcome all of you to visit my personal blog at in the same time for those who have own blog or website please just link and share your blog here. Thank you.
November 04, 2007
Group Photo
October 30, 2007
SHO Examination
Dear all guys, please be inform that the SHO Examination will be conducted at NIOSH Bintulu Sarawak on 11 - 14 December 2007. Paper 1 will be conduct on 11/12, paper 2 will be the following day and paper 3 will be on 13&14 December 2007. The registration will be close on 13th November 2007. So for those who didnt register yet please hurry up. And just for your all information I will travel to Bintulu from Labuan on 10th December 2007. I will take a morning flight from Labuan and expected to arrived at Miri airport around 9:30am and then drive to Bintulu. Anyone who plan to fly to Miri on the same day please give me a call if you want to take a lift with me. BTW,good luck for everyone and hopefully all will be success in the examination and hopefully everyone will employee soon.
Safety Supervisor
Dear all fren, apalogize for long time didnt update this blog,i'm a little busy.This 1st November 2007 I'll start with one of Oil & Gas company in Labuan for a position of Safety Supervisor,but the project is for 2 months only.And for those who are still looking for a job as SHO,good luck and hopefully u guys will get soon. And thank you very much to our Project Manager Mr Allan for posting the job vacancy here. Please find out the advertisement here.
Position: Safety Supervisor
Company: Borneo Samudera Sdn Bhd
Contact Num: 088-235811 (tel); 088-233779 (fax)
Attention: The Controller of Human Resource Development and Adminstration
Closing date: 31st October 2007
Guyz hurry up,just give them a call and ask for their email address or just fax ur resume and good luck for every one. Anyone who have a news,job or acticle want to submit at our blog you can email to me your article at and for an urgent matter u may sms or call me at my mobile number.
October 18, 2007
SHO Vacancy
A certified civil engineering and construction firm invites highly motivated and qualified candidates with relevant exerience for the post of Safety Officer and Safety Supervisor
Safety Officer Requirements:
*SPM / STPM qualification or equivalent.
*Must be registered SHO with DOSH.
*Minimum 5 years working experience in safety supervision works and report in construction sector.
*Able to work with minimum supervision.
Safety Supervisor Requirements:
*SPM qualification or equivalent.
*Certificate holder of NIOSH pogram.
*Minimum 3 years working experience in safety supervisory works,preferabaly in construction sectors.
Interested candidates are invited to apply via fax or submit a comprehensive CV stating current salary with a copy of recent photograph (n.r) before 23rd October 2007 to:
Safety Officer Requirements:
*SPM / STPM qualification or equivalent.
*Must be registered SHO with DOSH.
*Minimum 5 years working experience in safety supervision works and report in construction sector.
*Able to work with minimum supervision.
Safety Supervisor Requirements:
*SPM qualification or equivalent.
*Certificate holder of NIOSH pogram.
*Minimum 3 years working experience in safety supervisory works,preferabaly in construction sectors.
Interested candidates are invited to apply via fax or submit a comprehensive CV stating current salary with a copy of recent photograph (n.r) before 23rd October 2007 to:
The Advertiser,
P.O.Box 50674,
88725 Putatan,Kota Kinabalu,Sabah.
Fax no: 088-538649
October 09, 2007
Job Vacancy
Dear all fren..sorry for late update as long as im quite busy a coulpe days before..hehe..exactly busy submit resume and cari keja ba..jangan marah ba geng..ok la luckily i bought a newspaper this morning, so i found there is a vacancy for SHO..for those interested just try your luck ok..vacancy available @ (Invovwood Sdn Bhd is an established company dealing with downstream wood products has a vacancy for the following post:- Safety & Health Officer, *Possessed SHO License from DOSH (Dia nak bayar ke nanti yang ada license minta RM5K+ above...apa la punya tauke..hehehe..) Interested candidates please contact Mdm Chin or Ms Nisa at 089-612233 before 15th October to arrange for an interview...wah..sepa yang lucky dapat ini job kira start keja 1st November la ni..boleh la belanja i 100 Plus!!..
September 28, 2007
Visit to WCT

This picture was taken during SHO visit to Kota Kinabalu International Airport and posting infront of the Main contractor office (WCT).Seem like all were happy eventhough a little bit tired. I thought all of the fren will missed this moment..(Pic forward by our Project Manager Mr Allan) most pictures are welcome.
September 21, 2007
New Forum Set Up
Dear all fren, announcement of new forum set up by Mr Rainer for our discussion, please feel free to visit the site at in the same time jangan la lupa kan web yang i create ni..heheehee...kalau ada apa2 article nak submit, kita share la sama2 ok..
September 20, 2007
Job Opportinity
Hallooo geng..selamat berpuasa kepada yang berpuasa!!lama sudah nda dengar cerita dari kawan2 semua..harap2 semua ok saja..BTW bagi yang sudah keja,selamat bekerja dan bagi yang masih mencari-cari keja (termasuk aku la..:)..hehe) semoga dapat keja yang di idam-idamkan.ok la geng..i pun teda idea nak merapu banyak-banyak,just nak inform kawan2 ada peluang keja SHO yang di iklankan d dalam The Borneo Post (Edisi Sarawak pada 20/09/2007) dalam iklan tu kata nak cari 50 orang SHO untuk projek Oversea (kira worldwide la..) kalau sesapa kawan2 yang nak cuba nasib apply untuk job tu, hantarkan la resume, tapi ini tidak quaranty dapat la, cuba saja..apa salah invest less then RM10.00 untuk pos CV...:)kalau nda dapat pun just anggap saja kos itu sama dengan kos reload HP ba..hehehe..kalau dapat jangan lupa belanja i Milo suam sama telur goreng pun cukup laa..hehehe..ok kawan2 yang minat boleh pos CV to this address...(LLHR Catering Sdn Bhd, Lot 1189 Parent Lot 901 Block 9, 3rd Floor SME Bank Waterfront, 98008 Miri Sarawak. Contact Num: 085-414086) oh ya lupa nak inform, i dah cal this company tadi, dia orang bilang our application letter will be submit to their HQ di HQ yang buat keputusan la..ok cuba jangan tak cuba..babaiii
September 14, 2007
Dear all fren, i just recieved a call from NIOSH KK, our certificate of attendant are available at NIOSH KK Office. BTW, NIOSH KK will be closed on this weekend and will operate as usual on Tuesday 18/09/2007. U can pick up the certificate and books also on Tuesday onward. I will be there also on anyone come on that day,dunt forget to lepak at "Pisang Goreng Cafe"..ok la..Good Luck for everyone..
September 13, 2007

Welcome again...on behalf of G16 NIOSH Exstudent of SHO i nak ucapkan bebanyak terima kasih buat all staff NIOSH KK yang begitu baik sekali..walaupun kadang2 si Liana lupa nak tambahkan air minuman atau gula2...itu kami maafkan:)...heheheh..dan x lupa juga kami nak ucapkan bebanyak terima kasih buat lectures yang sudah banyak memberi tunjuk ajar,ilmu dan berkongsi pengalaman buat kami semua...segala ilmu yang dicurahkan kami semua sangat hargai..semoga kita sama-sama memanfaatkan apa yang dipelajari, bukan sahaja setakat untuk "CYA" tapi juga untuk memantapkan profesion SHO..x lupa juga kami ucapkan bebanyak terima kasih kepada pihak WCT yang telah membenarkan kami membuat lawatan..semoga kita akan bertemu lagi d lain hari...wa chow dulu..
Welcome Fren...
Haiyaaa...apa khabar semua members...senyap saja semuanya? Should everyone ok? Harap-harap semua ok.For those yang dah kembali bertugas dan disahkan jawatan as SHO, jangan lupa la pada kengkawan yang belum ada job lagi..kasi berita la...kalau ada job di tempat kengkawan,tolong rekomen la..heheheh..atau ada tau di mana ada keja SHO, jangan la segan2 nak inform kengkawan semua...haiyaaa...sedar nda sedar sudah seminggu bah kita abis kursus, rindu juga dengan kengkawan semua...rindu nak take '5' di depan SOCSO punya building...hahahaa...itu Penghulu pun sunyi sudah, mana dia pigi..kata malam lepas dinner nak join kita orang lagi..oh ya, ada sesapa ka kawan2 yang dapat di WCT? kalau ada yang dapat "Congratulation!" lepas tu jangan lupa kirim salam ek...hehehehe...dan pada yang dah register nak ambik exam bulan 10 ni..good luck, semoga berjaya..jangan lupa CYA...itu yang penting ba..ok kengkawan semua...kasi meriah kita punya bolg ok...babaiii...will come back
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